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Amb. I.E. Kelly Rufus FCILG
Pan_Niger Deltan Activist
Leader: Egbema Massive Movement EMM.

Building millionaires overnight from local Communities through annual trade support scheme by Government, Multinationals and Community Leadership.

Community development can be refered as "A collective responsibility of all existing being in any society, regardless of social strata but only a compulsory agreement between the government and the people" While the citizens of any nation deserves the right to elect or appoint their representatives for leadership positions and further pay taxes and levies to their government, they inturn expect the government to deliver true dividend of democracy to the people who have elected them into such Positions on their behalf. 

I have the practical believe that, if every community in Niger Delta can agree with their Government, multinationals, Community Leaders and amongst her well meaning individuals in their domain to implement this initiatives, in the next few years, the least underdeveloped community in Niger Delta would be able to boost of producing multi millionares annually, following these respectives analysis below:


Every Community in Nigeria today have people they have elected to represent them at the Senate, Federal House of Representatives, State Assemblies, and the Local Government Council, imagined if these elected representatives put fund together and donate to every community they represent the sum of ten million naira (N10,000,000) annually for Community/Human Development Project.


In Niger Delta today Almost all the Communities in Niger Delta today has multi-nationals. if the companies joined heads together with their host Communities/Leaders and Spirited individuals who are willing to participate in their own little way in a collective contribution of Ten Million Naira Annually as Trade Support Fund (TSF) or as Human Capital Development Fund (HCDF).

Now, let's assume such funds has been made available by the respective parties mentioned earlier as regards to the Human Capital Development Fund (HCDF) or Trade Support Fund (TSF), in a well organized approach that would allow Ten (10) participants from Niger Delta Communities respectively to undergo a skill training before giving out these funds by their Committees that shall oversee and control the affairs of the Scheme, which is targeted at making Ten (10) millionaires annually From Niger Delta Local Communities.


Community leadership.  After receiving 10 Million Naira donated by their Multi-nationals, Local Government Council, Community Leadership and well meaning individuals. They would set-up an unbiased committee to supervise the scheme.

Let's take Aggah Community to represent all Communities in Niger Delta in this analysis. The Government, Multinationals and Community Leadership to donate 10 Million Naira annually to Aggah Community as Trade Support Fund (TSF) or Human Capital Development Fund (HCDF) as the case may be, to surpass the high rate of unemployment in the area.


An invitation to all enterprising or certified business owners, intending young traders and business striving person's from Aggah Community for proper orientation about the scheme and documentation of qualified person's for the scheme before selection of first Ten person's for the first year to represent the community in the Trade Support Fund (TSF) or Human Capital Development Fund (HCDF).

Careful selection of Ten enterprising young fellows with written undertaken signed by them and their family representatives. The Community would further trained them on a skill of their choice, and then disburse 10 million Naira each to The Ten Beneficiaries as Trade support Fund (TSF) or as Human Capital Development Fund (HCDF). This funds shall be refunded after a stream lined period and it shall be in the document which they shall signed.

The fund given to each of the beneficiaries and as contained in their letter of agreement is refundable to the community account at the end of every 12_ months unfailingly before 18_months on instalments payment, in other for  the business not to suffer setbacks. The refunded One Million naira from each of the 10 participants by the first phase shall be used for the empowerment of another Ten set of beneficiaries the next year and it goes on and on till it becomes a yearly festival for all Communities in Niger Delta.


Apart from the fact that the scheme if implemented, would take thousands of young Niger Deltans off the street and meaningfully engage them into life changing opportunities that will reduce unemployment and idleness from our localities, it will inturn, would change their social status for good. Therefore, the benefits of this suggestion shall be divided into three categories or perspectives for better understanding.


"Representatives of the people" The idea of this scheme is first beneficial to the government because it would make governance easy and  also reduce the high rate of unemployment, protestations and negativities in the country. most importantly, the GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP) would be improved of the nation and also enhances the export rates for more mutual gains between the enterprising firms and government. Above all, the country's (I.G.R) could also increase as the scheme progresses. This idea would build more boys and girls into men and women within a short possible time. 


This idea will reduce the agitation by thousands of unemployed Niger Delta youths against oil companies operating within their region for massive employment. The damages alone on oil companies facilities and shortages of crude production daily occasioned by illegal bunkering activities in this region would be on the decrease throughout the duration of the scheme because, supposedly oil bunkers are now engaged with life changing opportunities which would profit Oil companies as they can now boost of increasing production daily, while also; keeping their social responsibilities to host Communities. An average Niger Deltan who is well engaged or has business of his own cannot think of closing down his business to become a pipeline vandal or to join in ceaseless protestations for job opportunities. 


When the youths are unemployed, there are possible chances that they would become hostile and constitute a threat to peace and orderliness in the community. When a community is at war against itself, the leaders suffers most as major establishment of the government and Multinationals in the Communities becomes major targets for destruction by angry youths including properties of leaders and well meaning natives. When the young men and women of our Communities are meaningfully and sincerely engaged annually through this approach/suggestions, it automatically gives room for an organized conduct and behavior amongst young people. Most jobless youths will be forced to either go to school or learning a trade with the believe that someday, they would be among the beneficiaries of the ongoing scheme.

The Economic Development of those  communities involved could sinlessly improve through the systematic approach earlier mentioned in this article by the initiator, Amb. Kelly Rufus FCILG. The Leader/Founder of Egbema Massive Movement (EMM). The leader further said if the scheme are implemented according to the analysis inlustrated above. Human Capital  Development would gradually be on increase across communities in Niger Delta, and that would be an open door to many good things like unemployment, would drastically reduced.

Individual progress and communal failure has been the reasons Niger Delta has remained underdevoloped even after Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) was introduced since the year 2000, the money this commission have spent already if was utilized properly, Niger Delta would have been a little out sketch of Dubia. Nothing is practically impossible to achieve If we agree to live up to expectations by allowing a communal dreams and visions to materialized amongst it's communities  in the region, let's take a look at Dubia, a state in United Arab Emirates. Can we in this time, be bold enough to compare any State in Nigeria to Dubia in times of Development and Economic Liveliness? We have a commission created by the federal government in the year 2000 to see that, we as Niger Deltans gain the best from the government of Nigeria for all our natural resources donated towards the survival of our country. Now where is the Niger Delta Development Commission_ NDDC? Where is the 13% derivation funds? Our Community Leaders and representatives can as well, hold NDDC on her balls and enforce the implementation of the above raised suggestions for the good of Niger Delta Communities.

They told us that NDDC have spent trillions of naira in the development of Niger Delta region. Why not the NDDC key in to this suggestion and donate from her annual budget to support it's host Communities for the actualization of this noble suggestion? 

Dear Niger Deltans, Our Community Leaders, Multinationals and Government. The time is now to think out of the box and key to the suggestions for an improved society where thousands of young natives will become millionaires through community efforts.

We can only succeed if we Agree! Our land, our pride.

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